Everything You Need to Know About Holly Hedging Plants

Boxwoods or holly plants with green leaves all year round and red berries are widely used in landscaping to provide a good boundary to the gardens. This article gives a comprehensive insight on holly hedging that cuts across from the benefits of using it to different types of holly hedging and its maintenance.

 Benefits of Holly Hedging 

Evergreen Appeal: Holly hedges have bright green foliage all year and continued growth helps to shield one from the weather and some other seasons.

Privacy and Security: Due to the closely knit foliage and ruggedness of holly shrubs, it almost provides a curtain to intruders and potential thieves.

Wildlife Friendly: The holly plants are occupied by different wildlife; the birds feed on the fruits which are holly berries. They also offer den for different species of animals during different occasions of the year.

 Popular Varieties

English Holly (Ilex aquifolium): Known widely used in pyramidal historical Christmas decorations distinguished by dark green shining leaves with a sad peak form and red non-scratching berries. It is highly adaptable and can be grown in a variety of different types of soil.

 Japanese Holly (Ilex crenata): This type yields berries that are less conspicuous and has smaller, smoother leaves. It’s perfect for topiary and formal hedges.

 American Holly (Ilex opaca): This type has a more erect plant structure with bigger leaves and fruits it has a longer growing season wherein the fruit ripens at an earlier stage. However, it is best for the big gardens and lots as they are required to be of long length.

 Planting Holly Hedging

 Site Selection: A Holly plant requires well drained soil with a sun to partial shade position. Make sure the winds in the said area are moderate to avoid devastating the hedges created in the site.

Soil Preparation: To increase fertility and drainage, add organic matter to the soil. Neutral to slightly acidic soils are ideal for holly growth.

Spacing: Space the plants around 60-90cm apart if you want to have a closely growing hedge. Closer planting may be required if the goal is to get results more quickly.

 Caring for Holly Hedging Plants

 Watering: Irrigation is recommended frequently especially with instances of water scarcity. But do not over-water, a problem that leads to root-rot.

Pruning: Holly plants should be trimmed once a year to keep neat; this process stimulates the growth of extra branches. Trim the plant in late winter or during early spring before the shoot begins to grow.

 Fertilizing: It is recommended that you apply a balanced fertilizer in early spring to help the plant in growth. Do not over fertilize the plant because the plant will forward all of it’s energy towards the growth of green leaves instead of fruit.

Common Issues

Pests: Some pests that are able to affect holly hedges include; scale insects and aphids. These problems can be effectively minimized by a proper inspection and follow up with the correct insecticides.

 Diseases: Some of the diseases found to infect holly plants are the leaf spot and rust which is caused by a fungus. There should be a proper airflow around the plants and it should also be recommended that overhead irrigation should not be practiced to minimize disease development.

Holly hedging plants are perfect for those people who want to introduce green plants into the garden during the whole year, create an intrigue between neighbors, or attract birds and other useful insects. Thus, by choosing the proper type of holly, planting it accurately, and taking proper care, you are capable of receiving a gorgeous and efficient holly hedge in the duration of a few years.